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Science of Intelligence Cluster and Human Abilities joint Workshop "Intelligence and Abilities"

Mar 22, 2021 - Mar 23, 2021

Intelligence and Abilities

22-23 March 2021 (Mo/Tue), 2 PM - 6.30 PM CET via Zoom.

This workshop, co-organised by the Berlin-based Science of Intelligence Cluster and Human Abilities – Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, brings together philosophers and cognitive scientists to discuss the relationships between intelligence and abilities in humans, nonhuman animals, and artificial systems. 

• Is intelligence best seen as an ability? 
• How to understand cognitive abilities and skills to start with? 
• How can we investigate abilities and intelligence philosophically and scientifically?

These and related questions will be tackled during this two-afternoon workshop. Each afternoon will comprise three talks, followed by a roundtable discussion with all the speakers. 

Programme (all times in CET):

March 22 (Monday)

14:00-15:00: Dimitri Coelho Mollo - Unifying the sciences of intelligence: abilities and representation

15:00-15:15: Break

15:15-16:15: Martin Rolfs - Delineating abilities of an active visual system

16:15-16:30: Break

16:30-17:30: Barbara Vetter - The epistemology of ability

17:30-17:45: Break

17:45-18:30: Roundtable with all workshop speakers 

March 23 (Tuesday)

14:00-15:00: Romy Jaster - A Challenge for Ability Accounts of Practical Intelligence

15:00-15:15: Break

15:15-16:15: Ellen Fridland - Practical Intentions, Action Schemas, and Strategic Control in Skill

16:15-16:30: Break

16:30-17:30: Carlotta Pavese - Intelligence, Regress, and Novelty

17:30-17:45: Break

17:45-18:30: Roundtable with all workshop speakers

Full programme with abstracts can be downloaded here.

The workshop will take place on Zoom, with social gatherings on Wonder. To register, please write an email to communication@scioi.de. For questions, feel free to contact the organizers, Dimitri Coelho Mollo (dimitri.coelhomollo@hu-berlin.de) and Sanja Dembić  (sanja.dembic@hu-berlin.de).

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation