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Human Abilities Workshop and Book Launch "Powers: A History"

Jun 23, 2021 - Jun 24, 2021


Workshop/Book Launch: "Powers: A History", edited by Julia Jorati (OUP) 

23-24 June 2021 (Wed/Thu), 2 PM - 6.30 PM CEST via Zoom.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

14:00               Welcome and Introduction

                        Julia Jorati and Dominik Perler

14:10               Causal Powers in Aristotle and His Predecessors

                        Author: Anna Marmodoro

                        Commentator: Ian Campbell

15:10               Break

15:20               Causal Powers in the Latin Christian West

                        Author: Peter King

                        Commentator: Can Laurens Löwe    

16:20               Break

16:30               Causal Powers and Ontology in Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz

                        Author: Jeffrey McDonough

                        Commentator: Jean-Pascal Anfray

17:30               Informal Discussion               


Thursday, June 24, 2021

15:00               Powers in Britain, 1689-1827

                        Author: Antonia LoLordo

                        Commentator: Patrick Connolly 

16:00               Break

16:10               Powers in Contemporary Philosophy

                        Author: Jennifer McKitrick

                        Commentator: Lisa Vogt

17:10               Final Discussion

The programme can also be downloaded here.

The workshop will take place on Zoom. To register, please write an email to human-abilities@hu-berlin.de. The deadline for registration is 9 June 2021. For questions, feel free to contact the organisers, Dominik Perler (dominik.perler@hu-berlin.de) and Julia Jorati (jjorati@umass.edu).

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation