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Helen Steward

Helen Steward

Fellow, University of Leeds

Philosophy of Action; Philosophy of Mind; Metaphysics and Ontology of Agency and Causation; Free Will

I am interested in the philosophy of action, the philosophy of mind, free will - and the metaphysics which bears on these areas of philosophy - for example, the metaphysics of causation and causal explanation, the metaphysics of abilities, powers and capacities; the ontology of events, processes and states; and the metaphysics of agency. While in Berlin, I shall be working on a long-term project and two short-term ones. The long-term project is a book centred on causation - and in particular, on the many manifestations of the idea that there are two different concepts of causation (e.g. dependence vs production; efficacy vs relevance; agent causation vs. event causation; etc.). I want to argue that despite appearances, these are manifestations of a single broad bifurcation in our causal concepts which stems ultimately from the metaphysical distinction between particulars and properties. I will also be writing a paper on Capacities, Processes and Causation for a conference in Yale to mark the retirement of David Charles; and a paper called 'Knowing we're Free' for the volume on the Epistemology of Abilities being edited by Tom Schoonen and Babara Vetter.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation